Genres of Fine Arts.

Works of art are divided into different genres:

  • Thematic genre - In this genre, the subject is mainly taken from religious legends or historical events, as well as everyday scenes. Artists working in the historical genre reflect either Greek and Ancient Eastern legends, or religious themes, or ancient and modern historical events. The artist sometimes presents his hero in the form of a generalized image or creates an image of a crowd and large masses of people.
  • Battle genre or military art - Batal genre includes descriptions of battle scenes. In this case, mainly the masses, heroes, commanders and others are glorified in these paintings. An artist who creates artworks in this genre is called the battalion artist. The Batal genre requires the artist not only the ability to depict war or battle, but also the ability to depict historical realities, military equipment of different periods, nature and war animals.  Batal genre also occupies an important place in the fine arts of Azerbaijan.  In medieval Azerbaijani book miniatures there are battle scenes between the wall paintings of the 18th century Sheki khans' palace.  Tahir Salahov's "416th division in battle", N. Vidadi's "Great Patriotic War" and others are the samples of it. These paintings are striking examples of art created in the battle genre.
  • Landscape painting - From time immemorial, artists have shown great interest in the depiction of nature. Such works have been distinguished by art critics as a separate genre and called the landscape genre. These include images taken from mountains, valleys, meadows, rivers, mice, storms, lightning, rain, snow, and climatic landscapes taken from different parts of nature. Landscape works vary in subject matter; for example: description of different corners of nature - mountains, valleys, river forests, meadows, deserts, etc .;  or a description of natural phenomena - storms, lightning, rain, snow, etc .;  as well as descriptions of climates and landscapes;  and finally - a description of the city or industrial landscape. This division, this list, perhaps, can be extended.  It is also interesting to know that works dedicated to seascapes are called "marinas", and artists who paint them are called "marinists". For example, a tea plantation, a vineyard, a cotton field, a grain field, and so on. The most famous artists working on marina paintings are Aivazovsky, Surikov, Repin.
  • Genre scenes - The genre of life is based on the artist's specific observations, provides information about the daily life of the people, their lives. Many seventeenth-century Dutch artists worked in the domestic genre. The daily life genre occupies an important place in the works of the prominent Azerbaijani artist Azim Azimzade. His works such as "Kosa-kosa", "The Juggler", "Wedding in the house of the rich", "Wedding in the house of the poor" fully reflect the traditions and life of the Azerbaijani people. A.Azimzade was also a cartoonist of Azerbaijan.He illustrated all of M. A. Sabir's works.
  • Portrait painting - Works in the portrait genre must take into account the appearance and individuality of specific individuals. And a truly talented artist tries to generalize the most characteristic features of his contemporaries through the description of a specific person.
  • Still life genre, Nature Morte or Dead Nature painting – Nature Morte means "inanimate nature" in French. The subject of works in this genre is various objects: household items, dishes decorating the house, bouquets of flowers, fruits, vegetables, birds of prey, etc.    In this genre, too, a true artist can beautifully express the spirit of his time, his feelings and emotions.