An online meeting was held with artists living in the regions

15.01.2021 / Meetings
An online meeting was held with artists living in the regions

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Art Gallery of Azerbaijan organized an online meeting with artists living in the regions.

The meeting was attended by the director of the Azerbaijan State Art Gallery Galib Gasimov.

Proposals made in each region to strengthen the ties of artists with galleries, museums and improve the quality of art in the regions, especially to ensure the participation of talented people in exhibitions were evaluated and relevant instructions were given by Galib Gasimov, director of the Azerbaijan State Art Gallery.

Ganja, Sheki, Zira, Shamakhi, Masalli, Agdash, Bilasuvar, Neftchala, Lankaran and others. The proposals of the artists participating in the meeting from the cities were met with interest.

The project, which provides a network of artists living in different regions on the same platform, listening to their problems and suggestions, was met with interest by artists.