The Fine Arts
Fine art is a kind of art. Among the people, the word art means skill, mastery. Fine art is the ability to correctly mark any object in space or to describe what comes to mind. Fine art refers to human creativity. Fine art includes: - painting; - graphic; -drawing; - sculpture; - decorative applied art; - sometimes architecture. Painting is the basis of the image. While working on any tableau, the artist reflects the shape, size, position of objects structure, the connection of parts and their compatibility with each other in the language of painting.
Among the oldest examples of fine art; Gobustan rock paintings from the VIII-V centuries, paintings of the beginning of the Bronze Age (3rd millennium BC) in Ayichingili and Perichingil mountains around Lake Zalkha in Kalbajar region, rock paintings in Gamigaya mountains north of Ordubad city are of exceptional importance. The paintings engraved on "Kichikdash", "Cingirdagh", "Shongardagh" and other rocks, depictions of the way of living, life and work of the ancient people who lived there are of special interest. Various plots, scenes, human and animal depictions related to hunting, cattle-breeding, agriculture and other spheres of life are dynamically engraved here. Gobustan rock paintings - pictograms cover a centuries-old, long historical period from the pre-literary history to the stage of feudalism.
Among the ancient examples of fine arts, pottery, decorative patterns, paintings, reliefs (relief drawings), sculptures adorning stone and metal products have an important place. Among them are a spherical bowl (Shahtakhti village of Nakhchivan AR), a two-headed deer figure (Dolanlar village of Khojavend region), a bronze bowl with 5 fantastic animal drawings (Gadabay), a crescent-shaped gold collar (Ziviya), a golden glass (Hasanlu near Lake Urmia),ceramic vessels found in the Karabakh plains are distinguished by their elegance and artistic perfection (VIII-VII centuries BC). Among the most famous examples of sculpture, the inscriptions and reliefs on the architectural monument of the Shirvanshahs "Bayil Castle" or "Sabail", built in the XIII century in the port of Baku, played a decisive role in the decorative design of the building. Along with the inscriptions on the "Bayil stones", the images of people and animals (tiger, camel, horse, ox, bird) are created in a deep carving style. "Bayil stones", which have the character of a frieze, once formed a decorative element of a magnificent architectural monument located on land.