The world of colors by Asmar Narimanbeyova
The author of colorful and interesting works Asmar Narimanbeyova was born in the family of world-famous painter, People's Artist Togrul Narimanbekov and famous sculptor Elmira Huseynova.
The artist Asmar Narimanbeyova has been surrounded by the stunning colors since her childhood. The France painting art, cubist, futuristic, expressionistic paintings has inspired her and she has found her own painting style. Main features of her individual creative activity are the dyes. Her dyes express all of the painter’s thoughts and feelings.
The one the most interesting paintings she created is “ The Love”. An alive dyes are the important peculiarities of this composition. The artist emphasises the miraculous sense of love with the dyes. A lady and man are the emotional figures of this artwork. This painting indicates that the artist uses in her paintings a combination of the eastern and western art properties.