The fine art of Lala Huseynzade on the sand.

16.04.2020 / Important events
The fine art of Lala Huseynzade on the sand.

Azerbaijani artist Lala Huseynzade dedicated her work on the sand to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Artist showed the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on the human body, the process of its spread, also the sacrifice of medical workers, and their fight against this infection.
Lala Huseynzade was born in 1992 in Gadabay in a military family. She entered the "Painting" faculty of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Artist in 2016.
She was awarded the first place in the project "Tanidim seni" on the Azad Azerbaycan channel. Lala Huseynzade represented our state in foreign countries. He was a participant on the program "Yetenek sizsiniz" broadcast on Turkish TV8 channel. The artist joins the call launched by the Azerbaijan State Art Gallery with this work.