A virtual exhibition "Women and Flowers" will be held.

02.05.2020 / Exhibitions
A virtual exhibition "Women and Flowers" will be held.

Azerbaijan State Art Gallery will hold a virtual exhibition "Women and Flowers" on May 5 at 18:00.
The exhibition will feature a virtual exhibition of still lifes and portraits of artists working in different styles and techniques from the collection of the Azerbaijan State Art Gallery.
Art lovers will get acquainted with the works of artists such as: Togrul Narimanbekov, Gullu Mustafayeva, Khalida Safarova, Talat Shikhaliyev, Altay Sadigzade, Gafar Seyfullayev, Mirnadir Zeynalov, Yelena Hagverdiyeva, Niyaz Najafov and others.
Azerbaijan State Art Gallery invites art lovers to watch the virtual exhibition taking into account the temporary quarantine of the exhibition halls under the special quarantine regime and social isolation.
You can watch the virtual exhibition "Women and Flowers" through the social media accounts of the Azerbaijan State Art Gallery.