A Director of Azerbaijan State Art Gallery Galib Gasimov: “An exporting of paintings of some of the most renowned artists is not advisable.”

10.06.2019 / Interviews, speeches
A Director of Azerbaijan State Art Gallery Galib Gasimov: “An exporting of paintings of some of the most renowned artists is not advisable.”

An interview with the director of Azerbaijan State Art Gallery Galib Gasimov;

- By the organization of the Azerbaijan State Art Gallery and “Auction Baku” an auction of paintings of Azerbaijani painters has been held in more recent times. For first time in Azerbaijan auction of artworks has been held just like.

- Yes, organizing such the high level of auction in experience placements of Azerbaijan has been held for the first time. An idea of organizing the auction belongs to economic development of the government, attention of the people to art, idealization of form an art collectors. It is important to organize just like auctions.

- How many has artworks been included at auction, in generally?

- At the auction 12 artworks have been shown and 5 artworks have been sold at the auction.

- Have buyers been at auction the local buyers?

- One of them has been a foreigner and two of them local citizens.

- In this case, have 3 collectors attended at auction?

- Yes, it has

- How have the prices of artworks of auction been set?  Even at the auction first price of 70.000 azn work has been shown.

- The prices of paintings have been depended on theirs an artistic quality, a regularity of topic and subject, a correctly determination of composition. To put it simply, this has been closely linked with an artful of peculiarities. At art sphere of Azerbaijan they have been an assessment level for a pricing arrangement. The artworks of auction have been fixed the prices in this way.

- Have these prices so expensive?  What do you think?

-No, I think that, haven’t expensive the artworks. At the auction starting price of artworks has been 500 azn and the maximum price has been 70.000 azn. I think that it hasn’t been so expensive. Some of paintings market evaluation is millions dollars.

- But a lot of paintings of auction has not been sold.

- At the auction an acceptance of artworks has not important. The improvement of auctions is important. So it means that it is take action to strengthen cultural and commercial infrastructures. This space needs to make contact with artists, buyers and gallery’s curators. That’s why we have tried to create this system by help of the art auction. It is not whether somebody sells or buys, it’s   creating significant development in this space.

- Can be cause of no selling high prices of artworks?

- No, it’s not depended on this. The prices of the artworks have determined attentively by ‘Auction Baku’ and State Gallery. These prices have been calculated in the real potential.

- Will the auction be held again?

- Yes, the art auctions will be held for years after. We will plan to hold an incoming auction on September – October. Because of there are for a large numbers of requirements and appeals. The collectors, art lovers, curators of gallery want to buy the difficult paintings. The authors of the artworks want to present their works.

- Do the artworks belong to the State Art Gallery or the private collections?

- I want to expand on this topic. The artworks of the State Art Gallery and its fund are not a part of auction. The works are part of individual collectors and artists. The State Gallery has intermediated space of art auction.

- Does government have limited rules for purchases of the important artworks of Azerbaijan by foreign buyers?

-  At the moment a list of the government-own property has prepared. A piece of this list doesn’t inclusive of auction. In our opinion the important artworks and national wealth of the Azerbaijani people don’t remove from Azerbaijan. These works must be displayed in local museums and must be preserved by Azerbaijani collections. At the auction we have kept in sight this nuance. The buyers of these artworks must be a Azerbaijani.  They must guarantee for keeping of works in country. We have declared all conditions beforehand. Suppose that painting of Sattar Bahlulzadeh includes in auction, but we wouldn’t sell it.

- If the collector wants to sell a higher price artwork of own collection to the foreign buyer. What happens?

- I think the collectors of Azerbaijan can sell own exposition of collections to the foreign collectors. But the export permit of works must be given by the State Expert Commision.

- A list of literary works and movies has been declared  in the near future. Do the artworks have the similarly list?

- The spesific list of it doesn’t have. But Ministry of the Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan State Art Gallery Have got funds. In the fund all artworks are preserved permanently. These works include in an inventory of fund and is considered to be the government - owned property. The sales of yhese works are forbidden. The artworks only may be exported for exhibitions or art events. In addition, some artist’s paintings is not recommended at any time.

- Can you please tell some for examples?

- For example, the paintings of Mikail Abdullaev, Sattar Bahlulzadeh, Takhir Salakhov, Murad Ashraf…. We approach these paintings carefully. We don’t agree the exporting of these artworks.

- If the collectors want to sold artworks of their collection, in the first place...?

- The government controls all aspects of this situation at first. Besides, the State Expert Comission has established within the framework of the Nation Art Museum. The famous experts work in the State Expert Comission. The State Expert Comission helds meeting in every week. The Commission values and reviews the artworks for sale, ehxhibiting and gifting.. If the Expert Comission decides to object of Mikail’s any painting’s lifting to abroad, the comission doesn’t give written certification.

- Even if these artworks include in personal exhibition, it can not be to lift anywhere…

- Yes, it’s forbidden. I am a member of the Expert Commission. Based on my own experience, I thanks for everyone for understanding and sensitivity.

- In the practice, do like that acts happen often?

- These acts have happened very often. As you know, Lahicis a touristic place.There exists prepared samples of copper craft  which attract many tourists until 1960 years. The samples of copper craft are liked by tourists and they appeal to us for sale and exported. We try to explain the situation to them. Generally, for the exporting of artworks must be appeal to the State Expert Commision. And decisions of the Expert Commision is not in subjective sphere. For this situations exists the approved rules by Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan.

- In the State Art Gallery how many artworks exist?

- At the moment in fund of State Art Gallery more than 10 2000 artworks exist. To the fund include in samples of  painting, graphic, sculpture and applied art. These artworks include in our collection since 1960.

- Where are these artworks save?

- Mainly, collection of fund is housed in two buildings. For these works is created special place in the Museum Center. And this place is provided with special arrangements. The samples of sculpture is housed in another place.

- You are resided in building of The Film Fund of Azerbaijan. Why is not being special building for the State Art Gallery?

-Unfortunately it doesn’t exist. I guess this problem will be solved soon. Because, these matters is being solved with consecutive system. For example, on the basis of special order of the Republic of Azerbaijan two buildings of National Art Museum of Azerbaijan has been registered. For the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum new building has been built. I hope in this consecutive system the name of State Art Gallery exists.

- How happen the buying artworks of artists?

-In this year, 10 paintings is included in our ollection. Among them exsist paintings of Mirnadir Zeinalov, Arif  Huseinov, Siruz Mirzazade and others. This paintings are obtained within the framework of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

- Do the artists apply to gallery or you?

- The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan approaches sensitiivity. We try to involve all artists for it. For this reason we organize the republican exhibition & sale twice a year. And we visit to art studio of artists consistently. We introduce new paintings. Two days ago we have visited to art studio of Union of Artists of Azerbaijan in Ahmadli settlement and more than 20 artist’s art studio.

- Can I ask you about prices of these paintings?

- The prices determine on the basis of modern market conjucture and defined costs of Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan. The prices are subject to change at any moment.

- The State Art Gallery visits to different art studios. How do you set a price of paintings?

- On this matter main criteria is value of painting. The State Art Gallery already have particular collection. Short of that, basis of first principle is literary value and second is  the acquisition.

- Do the painting of foreign artists exist in collection of gallery?

- Once upon a time there were the artists’s paintings. For example, paintings of artists of russian, german and other nations.

- What is the difference functions of the State Art Gallery?

- The main function of gallery is the organizating of exhibitions.  The State Gallery makes a exhibitions  on cultural days in other country.  At the 20th-21st Century Azerbaijani Painting Museum the exposition of the State Art Gallery is shown.The State Art Gallery takes the important part of exhibitions of republic.Some painings of gallery are given to different museums by the order of Ministry of the Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. We create a new electronic base for convenience. We are busy with works of paintings passports. And we add it electron base.

- When is present at this electron base?

- This base is present at soon.  The information has been worked up. This process will be worked progressively.  In addition, we have created common information box of artists in 2017. Today, The Union of Azerbaijani Artists have about 1830 members. In this base main information of all artists of republic exist. Sometimes we see the distorted information about the artists. But in our electron base all information abaout artists and art is accurate and reliable.