Video conference on "Economic and strategic analysis of the activity of art galleries in the postpandemic period."

17.06.2020 / Conferences, assemblies
Video conference on "Economic and strategic analysis of the activity of art galleries in the postpandemic period."

Azerbaijan State Art Gallery organized a conference on "Economic and strategic analysis of the activity of art galleries in the postpandemic period." supporting of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan on June 16, at 14:30. Economist Tural Agayev trained to the directors of the state gallery at the video conference. Director of the Azerbaijan State Art Gallery Galib Gasimov, employees of the Azerbaijan State Art Gallery, directors of Aghstafa State Art Gallery, Qazakh State Art Gallery, Astara State Art Gallery, Saatli State Art Gallery, Khachmaz State Art Gallery, Shamakhi State Art Gallery, Ismayilli State Art Gallery, Ganja State Art Gallery, Masalli State Art Gallery, Bilasuvar State Art Gallery, Shusha State Art Gallery, Jalilabad State Art Gallery, Gabala State Art Gallery, Zagatala State Art Gallery, Shirvan State Art Gallery, Neftchala State Art Gallery, Goranboy State Art Gallery,Tovuz State Art Gallery and Qusar State Art Gallery participated in the training.