The exhibition, with the organizational support of the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan was dedicated to 90th the anniversary of the People’s Artist Kamil Nejefzadeh was held.

22.12.2019 / Exhibitions
The exhibition, with the organizational support of the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan was dedicated to 90th the anniversary of the People’s Artist Kamil Nejefzadeh was held.

The head of the department of fine and decorative art at the Ministry of Culture Galib Gasimov in his opening speech said that the artworks included in The State Art Gallery and the National Museum of Azerbaijan. The following speech belonged  to Deputy Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan Sevda Mammadalieva. She emphasised artist’s creativity in graphic and painting fields. For example; “Workers of labor”,         “First tractor”, “ The scream of Azerbaijan” , “ The morning in country”, “ History don’t forgave!”, “ In the side of river” . “Ali Zeynalov”, “Imran Gasimov”, “Mahmud Esembayev” paintings and so on. His creative activity’s  examples in theatre field are “Knyaz” of H.Javid, “Farhad and Shirin” of S.Vurgun and so on.

 In this exhibition the son of artist Shamil Nejefzadeh and his daughter Aysel Nejefzadeh speeched artist’s creativity.

 Aynur Nejefzadeh added on her speech that the one of the artist’s paintings is saved in the White House,America.

 The artworks of artist is saved in different museums and collections of world; France, America, Germany, Turkey, UK.

 The exhibition has been counted on date of 27